Who’s in Charge – The Thinker or the Thought?
Many of us don’t think about how we think, yet our thinking strategies are of prime importance as leaders. We make decisions minute by minute, we reflect on direction and we ruminate about the past and are anxious about the future. We have elements of self-doubt and...
Maladaptive Behaviour in the Workplace -The Dark Side of Leadership
Life rarely goes as expected. We face obstacles, people with different views and behaviours along with situations that cause frustration and annoyance. Maladaptive behaviour is behaviour that prevents us from making adjustments to these situations that are in our own...
The thinking strategies of conflict
Productive Conflict move conflict management for the usual resolution techniques to more direct candid conversation that take into considerations our thinking strategies
DiSC Styles Working From Home
In what is certainly a very uncertain and new time for all of us, we are now facing an instance where our workforces are largely remote. However, this does not have to mean the end of teamwork, communication and culture! Using the power and understanding of DiSC, we...
Performance Management versus Bullying
Consider this familiar workplace scenario: an employee is under performing and their manager is providing feedback to get the team member back on track. Like many managers, they are a little “clunky” in how the feedback is presented. All too often, the employee takes...
Stay Humble – 6 tips for leaders
Stay Humble – Learn the skills to stay humble as a leader with a number of development programs by People Development Australia
4 models to break down the complexity of leadership
Leadership is complex – we explore four models to breakdown this complexity
How to lead with inspiration!
When the authors of The Work of Leaders asked 13,000 people to rate how inspiring they thought they were on a five-point scale, fewer than one in five gave themselves the top score.
Clearly people who think they’re inspiring are in the minority, yet many leaders also over-estimate their ability to ‘rally the troops’ – that is, to inspire their teams.
5 tips to stop gossip in the workplace
Gossiping about other people, and being critical of them, is a way of finding common ground with others, and of building up intimacy as you share information that is a little bit dangerous and private. Social scientists tell us gossip is a time honoured and popular...
Giving feedback in the workplace
Giving feedback is a crucial skill for leaders in the workplace. Performance reviews, counselling, rewarding, behaviour adjustment are all part of a leaders role in managing a team. The feedback sandwich, SIB and 360s are some of the tools and models used to walk this tightrope.